What Even is WordPress

Okay so nothing all that interesting has been going on in my life this week–I continue to not be on vacation and not living in Sydney–so I wrote up this whole post about this weird tech glitch/issue/question I’ve been having with WordPress lately which had been quasi-disappearing some of my posts.

I had tried to figure it out and was resorting to posting about it here in the hopes that WordPress denizens could help me out. Anyway, after writing up my issue (here rather than on some help forum or something so avoid having to come up with a post for this week), I gave things one more check over and, surprise, figured out the issue.

I’m still not certain actually how the issue came about–it was backdating some of my posts by months so they weren’t showing up in my little feed where I went looking for them–but easily enough amended to keep my Thursday streak accurate on here. And this issue came up before I tried to figure out scheduling a post a couple weeks ago while traveling so I didn’t mess things up then. But anyway, now I can double check that after I publish a post and that’s easy enough.

And look, here we are, I’ve ended up writing a (short, boring) post even so. Can’t win ’em all.

Now, cat picture because I can’t have that truly be my whole post.

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